(508)362.0111 [email protected]

Calling All Students!

Are you are college student, vet tech, or veterinary student looking for a great summer internship? The Cape Wildlife Center offers an interactive, hands on program that allows you to work side by side with veterinary technicians, wildlife rehabilitators, and wildlife veterinarians to help treat orphaned, injured, and sick wildlife. During the internship you will learn how to care for hundred of species of animals including birds, mammals, and reptiles and more!
















Pictured above are just some of our past interns assist feeding an osprey, learning how to draw blood on a gray fox, practicing drilling for turtle shell repairs on a shark jaw, and syringe feeding orphaned mice. These are just some of the exciting experiences you will gain during your summer internship at Cape Wildlife. 













































Internship Requirements
In order to participate in Cape Wildlife Center’s Wildlife Animal Veterinary
Internship Program:























  • You must be at least 17-years-old.























  • You must have insurance. If you have no insurance, unfortunately we will be unable to consider you for an internship. You must provide proof of Rabies and tetanus vaccination. Rabies vaccinations are not required to apply for the internship, but if you are accepted into the program, the series of shots must be completed prior to your start date.























To apply please submit the following information by mail or email. NOTE: Letters of recommendations can be submitted directly to Cape Wildlife Center by mail or email (please put the name of the applicant in the subject line):























A copy of the Application (download below)























1 copy of your current resume























2 letters of recommendation written by current professors, former























professors/teachers, or former/current employers.


Note:  Priority for the Summer positions are given to students who apply by February 14th, if you are applying after this date please email [email protected] to inquire if there are still spots available.  Applications for Fall and Winter seasons are accepted on a rolling basis. 












Download the Application Here 











Email: [email protected]









Mailing Address: Cape Wildlife Center
Internship Program
4011 Main street
Barnstable MA 02630